What #DoingItAll Really Means


The ever-evolving roles of women have reached new heights in modern times; so don’t be surprised if your neck is sore from watching your fellow ladies rise to the top. But with great power comes great responsibility, and such duties include a laundry list of chores, homework, meetings, cooking and, oh, actual laundry. In this light, many women are absolutely #DoingItAll. We’re growing successful businesses while raising successful families, and doing everything in between. But do we have to do it all, or do we want to?

That really depends on how you define ‘doing it all,’ a decidedly subjective phrase that can be defined with the glass half full or half empty. You choose.

A bit of advice: keep is positive. Define ‘doing it all’ as getting to take your kids to their soccer game and landing a client in the same day. Define it as reaching a milestone in the gym after back-to-back meetings. Simplify your life as much as possible, so that you can keep ‘doing it all’ in the most positive sense of the phrase.

Even when we are stuck in a position where we do have to clean our houses and work multiple jobs, there’s still an opportunity to ask for help and lessen the load. What do you need help with? Find opportunities to get help so you can feel strong and secure, and keep rising to the top.

Each situation is different, but as long as you accept help, you’re one step closer to having it all.


Luly B's Summer Makeover Coaching


Oh, you don't work???