It Can Kill You


I don't think a day goes by without a working mom telling me that she feels guilty... But here's the thing: Guilt is a useless emotion. It’s a feeling that weighs us down and holds us back. When you feel guilty, it’s like putting a pillow over your face and expecting to still be able to breathe. Guilt affects every part of you and your life.

In fact, guilt can kill you.

Guilt can kill your confidence and perspective. When you let guilt control you, you’re stressed and anxious. That frantic feeling doesn’t let you sleep at night, does it?

Guilt can kill your relationships. It causes you to start resenting the people in your life and makes us feel unhappy. Is that really how you want to be around your loved ones?

Guilt can kill the quality of your work. Guilt gets you to say “yes” to things you really can’t do or don’t want to do. Are you really providing 100% of yourself to all the things you’re saying “yes” to?

The good news is, you don’t have to feel this guilt anymore. All it takes is a bit of perspective. When you free yourself of the guilt, you can relax. You can savor. You can be yourself and give your all - all the time.

So are you ready to be guilt-free? Click here for a FREE audio download so you can begin to get rid of the guilt before it kills you.


I am blown away by what they're saying.


I almost didn't do it.