Connecting & Resonating: 4 Tips to Make Sure it Happens


Last week, I had the amazing opportunity to speak at Mom 2.0 Summit, a fantastic conference that connects more than 500 moms, marketers, and media. I presented "Balance Is Bull$h!t" and I gave my practical advice from my Mompreneur Mindset Makeover. Within minutes of wrapping up on stage, I was approached by one of the participants who expressed to me how much my advice resonated with her.

"You were so real. So genuine. You gave such awesome advice. Check out all the notes I wrote as you spoke." (The picture you see on this page is just one of the three pages of notes she took.)

She took the notes because I resonated. I connected. I was authentic.

This story underscores the power of authenticity and knowing who you are. I make some bold statements when I speak and not everyone will agree with me. But, I know what I am doing is right. Although it can sometimes be tough to hear the negative backlash, there is nothing better than sticking with your authentic self and hearing amazing feedback from those whose lives you've touched.

Here are 4 tips for ensuring you are consistently connecting and resonating with your audience:

1.     Be bold.

When you are passionate about something, remain bold in expressing how you feel and why it's important.

2.    Be authentic.

People can smell hypocrisy and fakes a mile away. Be yourself and stick to your beliefs.

3.     Be heartfelt.

When you come from a place of vulnerability, generosity  and openness, you will be more likely to gain an army of loyal fans.

4.     Be open.

Listen to the feedback - and listen to the negative even more than the positive. Is there something you should tweak without sacrificing who you are and what you believe in? How best can you resonate with your audience? What is the best format  to communicate with them and is your message important to them?

I hope these quick tips will help you analyze how well you are resonating and connecting with your audience. Whether you are speaking, blogging, consulting, or providing a product or service, it's important to always make sure you are connecting. That's what marketing is all about!


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