Are you speaking?


As the president of a marketing firm, I like to help my clients get noticed without spending a fortune. In fact, there's nothing better than getting PAID to get noticed... And that's exactly what speaking engagements can do for you and your business.

I have been speaking for almost ten years, but in the last year, I have been proactively engaged in finding those opportunities to speak either to small business owners about marketing or mompreneurs and working women about getting over the guilt and being happy.

Many of you have asked me how I got started and wanted some tips, so here goes:

  1. Develop a speaker sheet - Create a one-sheeter with your photo, a short bio, and a few speaking topics along with your contact information and even a few testimonials. Check out mine to get some ideas.

  2. Reach out and GIVE - Reach out to local organizations, colleges, universities, chambers, and industry organizations and find out if you can serve them by facilitating a panel discussion, hosting an event, or keynoting at an event. This will serve for great practice, and you all know by now that I am a firm believer that in giving, you receive. Before you know it, those organizations will be connecting you to paid engagements and/or potential customers.

  3. Be sure to have something to "sell" - Please don't misunderstand this one. I am not recommending you sell from the stage. Quite the contrary. However, if you engage the audience and they find value in what you are saying, they are going to want to do business with you. Be ready with a plan on what to sell to them and your follow-up strategy following your speaking engagement.

Have more questions for me? Schedule a complimentary 30-minute chat with me today. I am happy to help!


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My balance issues.