Are you a horrible delegator?


I'm certainly speaking for myself, but I know a great deal of mom entrepreneurs who would agree - we are often great doers, but we aren't always the best delegators. We do this in every aspect of our lives - whether it's hosting our friend's baby shower or taking on the next big  project at work. We want to hog up all the tasks and then we complain about how tired, overwhelmed and exhausted we are. We set ourselves up. That's why learning the art (yes, I do believe it's an art!) of delegation is so powerful. I'm gonna guess that you think delegating responsibility means relinquishing control, right? Wrong. In fact, you get more control when you let the right people do the right things. Here are six tips for mastering delegation.

1. So, what are you going to delegate? Seems easy enough, but knowing what's worth keeping and what's worth giving is an important point. Make a list, check it twice know the rest.

2. Pick the right ones. Just because you're starting to delegate doesn't mean you should accept the first offer. Be patient. Think through your expectations and ensure that the person you're passing the job on to is the one best suited for it.

3. Be crystal clear. Don't assume that because you've done it one way and it's clear in your mind how it should be done that someone else understands it that way. Spell it out for them. Timelines. Details. Deadlines. Everything.

4. Strike a balance. Now that you've delegated a task, you've got to let the person do what you've asked. Sure, you'll want to check in, but don't breathe down their neck. Give them space. They're a lot more likely to do good work for you if you let them do what you trusted them to.

5. Patience is a virtue. In the long run, delegation is a game changer. In the short run, there will be some bumps and curves in the road. Expect them and handle them with grace when they arise.

6. Share the wealth. People want to feel valued for their contribution, and if they do good work, that's exactly what you should do. Acknowledge them privately and publicly and compensate them accordingly for exceptional work. Because if they're good, consider what it would mean to lose them.

Any tips of your own? Share them in the comments section!


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Something's Gotta Give.