More Clarity. More Purpose. More Impact.

 That’s what happens when you unlock your why.

When I discovered MY WHY, everything…and I mean everything shifted for me. It became my north star. My foundation. My clarity. I filter all my decisions, offerings, and goals around my purpose and core values now. And I want the same for you!

You see, most of us operate a lot in the What and How... what employees we need, what kind of software we implement, how we will get new clients, what job to take next, how to ask for the promotion... but all too often we lose sight of our Why— our purpose, our values and our very essence.

Unlock your Personal Purpose and Values to use as a North Star in your life and decision-making.

workshop dates

Friday, September 6

Venue Name
New York, NY

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Friday, September 20

Venue Name
New York, NY

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Friday, October 4

Venue Name
New York, NY

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April 15

Venue Name
New York, NY

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May 15

Venue Name
New York, NY

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June 15

Venue Name
New York, NY

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July 15

Venue Name
New York, NY

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August 15

Venue Name
New York, NY

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September 15

Venue Name
New York, NY

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Gain clarity on your purpose and connect the dots with what you do, how you do it and the impact it can have on something bigger than yourself.

This workshop is perfect for you if you’re a:

  • Professional at any level of your career

  • Entrepreneur/ Business Owner

  • CEO/Team Leader

  • Professional Services, Startup, or Non-profit Leader 

  • Coach/ Consultant