What do you get?
All my life, I have been like this man in the video...
Looking out for others. Seeing opportunities to serve. Giving people the gift of a compliment or a treasure. Making sure everyone around me feels special.
And while many times, I have heard from others, “You have to look out for yourself first,” or “Stop worrying so much,” - and I have been hurt, betrayed, and disappointed...I have realized that nothing can shake my innate nature. It is just who I am. I have a great capacity to love.
I love BIG. I love LOUD. And I love to LOVE.
And on the day when we celebrate love, I honor my immense capacity to love, I am grateful for the people, the circumstances, and the experiences that have helped me have the huge heart I have.
"What does he get in return for doing this every day? He gets nothing. He won't be richer. He won't appear on TV. Still anonymous. And not a bit more famous. What he does receive are emotions. He witness happiness. Reaches a deeper understanding. Feels the love. Receives what money can't buy and a world made more beautiful."
P.S. I haven’t been able to find the owner of this video to give him/her proper credit. If you happen to know, please message me!