3 Ways Social Media Can Help You Gain New Leads
Let’s be honest. If social media wasn’t a tool that could help you grow your business, there wouldn’t be much of a reason for you to use it. But how do you sell your products on a site where you’re supposed to avoid traditional selling tactics? I’ve got three tips. 1. Customer Success Stories – Customers trust your credibility once they know that other people have worked with you and loved you. And guess what? Social media is a platform that allows you to regularly share this information in a varied way. Members of your social networks will eventually identify with one of your success stories, and before long, they may be knocking on your door, too.
2. Encourage Sharing – Social media is an innovation based on people’s desire to share. Why not encourage them to do it for you? If they love you – and if they’re a fan of you, that’s a good start – then it’s not a huge stretch to ask them to share you with others.
3. Track Local Prospects on Twitter – Twitter is arguably the most searchable of the social sites, and as a result, it’s a piece of cake finding new prospects. Simply search for individuals within your area using keywords that are relevant to your business, and start chatting. If and when they post about their need for your services – and it happens more than you think – make yourself available. Don’t attack them. See the difference?
Those are just a few ideas to help you stretch the power of social media. Get started this week and witness the amazing possibilities of forming great relationships online and gaining new leads!
And speaking of great relationships online, be sure to connect with me through social media as well. Go go my home page and click on the social media icons on the top right. See you on the other side!