The Top Reasons Why I Leave My Family
I used to feel bad about leaving my family. Traveling was a burden, and the accompanying guilt basically ensured that I wouldn’t fully enjoy my business trip. How would they survive? Wouldn’t they feel so abandoned? Actually, they’ve survived just fine every time, and there haven’t been any nervous breakdowns, either.Today, all those unnecessary feelings of guilt are gone. I pack my bags and excitedly jump in the car or head to the airport. I am okay with leaving my family, and here’s why.When I leave it is for an amazing opportunity, like a conference. I am spending time bettering myself or inspiring others, which is something my family reaps the benefits of. You see, I come home to them a better mom, wife and entrepreneur because of the experiences I have when I travel.I am also okay with leaving because, well, it doesn’t really feel like leaving. I make sure my family understands why I am traveling, and when I communicate this to them, they are accepting and encouraging.My husband and kids know they are loved; just because I am not there for a few days doesn’t mean I have forgotten them. We communicate while I’m gone, checking in but skipping any mushiness and tears. It’s important to me that my family is grounded and well-adjusted, so when I travel, I see proof that we’ve reached our goal.So, go ahead. Leave your family. Embrace any opportunities that you feel will better you as a mom, wife and businesswoman. Let your family know you love them, but you’re traveling to be better for them. Trust me, they’ll understand.