How a stranger's compliment inspired me.
During an amazing event I attended last night, I was approached by someone who quickly proceeded to shake my hand and look boldly into my eyes. Before I even finished saying it was a pleasure to meet him, he politely interjected to say this: "I walked into this event tonight and was immediately drawn to your energy. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it and do more of it. "
I was floored. Wow! What an amazing compliment. As I sat through the event the rest of the evening, I kept thinking about his compliment and the lessons that this two-minute interaction had about life.
Here's what I know to be true:
You never know who's watching. You will never know how many lives you have impacted. Know that your words and actions can inspire and motivate as much as they can deplete and hurt others. Choose kindness and compassion. ...every day with every person, all the time.
Authenticity works. Oscar Wilde said "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken." And, I believe that to be true! The minute I stopped comparison shopping myself against other women leaders, I accepted MYSELF for who I am, what I bring to the table and embraced my weaknesses as much as I do my strengths. We each have gifts and it is our duty to accept them, unwrap them and use them!
Step into your own greatness. In the last year, I have combated a fear I now know as a fear of success. I was afraid of who I could become and what I could accomplish and the tremendous effects of that. Realizing I was put on this Earth to do what I am doing has given me great freedom to step into my greatness and overcome that fear.
And so, as I write this on a Saturday morning, I want to thank you, Joey. Thank you for taking the time to share such a beautiful compliment with me. Your kind words have inspired me. You have reminded me how powerful compliments can be and how powerful kindness and compassion are!