Superhero Capes are Overrated.
"You are such an amazing mom. How do you do it?""I admire your relationship with your husband, what's your secret?" "You have formed such great connections and grown your business to exactly what I want - what's your secret sauce?"
My answer to all of these questions is quite simple: Capes are over-rated. I am not Wonder Woman, nor do I pretend to be.
I do the best I can with what I have. And, I am teaching women all around the country to take off their red superhero capes. We feel like we need super powers to be successful in life, and that is completely false!
Below are three quick ways to help you take off that superhero cape and start living a freer life, filled with successful relationships at home and in business.
• Be graceful. • Delegate. • Prioritize.
Let me guess - you probably have at least one friend or family member who's always offering to lend a hand. Have the grace to accept their help and support by saying 'yes!' Free yourself from things you don't want to do or can't do. Instead, focus on the things you enjoy doing and are really good at. Sometimes, you'll need to compromise and even sacrifice - but on the other side, you'll find that it was worth it.
An example, for me, is that I'd love to pick my boys up at school each day - but it's just not feasible. Instead, their grandparents pick them up Monday-Thursday. Friday is my special day with my boys. I pick them up and treat them to play dates with their friends, outings for ice cream, or a trip to the movies.
I've learned to have grace in accepting the help, as much as it sometimes kills me inside. I have delegated and prioritized. By working a few more hours each day, I am able to spend quality time with my family in the evenings and completely shut off from work during those hours. I have also given my parents and mother-in-law the opportunity to spend quality time with their grandchildren. As hard as it was at the beginning, I am incredibly grateful for the arrangement.
Through grace, delegation, and prioritization (and a few other things I talk about in my 30-Day Mindset Makeover), you are a few steps closer to having it all. It's taken me a while to get here. My boys are 6 and 8 and I think I FINALLY created the secret sauce to relieving the burdens and overwhelming feelings I used to have. Hope these help you soon!