Staying in *t because it's warm.

It was a random Tuesday afternoon about 12 years ago. I was at a standstill in Miami traffic, and began sobbing for no clear reason... I wondered what was wrong with me?

  • Was it over mom guilt because life had spread me too thin?

  • Was I feeling unworthy, stuck or like a big imposter in my career?

  • Was I showing up every day and doing things that drained me and didn’t fulfill me?

And then it hit me.

Was I staying in the shit SIMPLY because it was warm?

Here’s the truth…. 

I was being called for more. I had stayed in my comfort zone because it was.... well, comfortable. I was willing to ignore the terrible smell and convince myself it was fine because "at least it's warm here." I was ignoring everything else and playing Jedi mind tricks on myself to NOT have to face what I knew I needed to face.

The problem is the comfort zone can seem familiar and warm, but leaves us dissatisfied, frustrated and bored. And our soul finds ways to get us to realign.

That day in the car led to BIG moments of reflection, opportunities to invest in myself, and a self-development journey that soon after inspired the launch of Luly B....all because I was no longer willing to stay somewhere just because it was "warm."

Just a few months ago, I found myself with the same feeling from that day. The same nudges. The same opportunities to realign. But the questions were a little different:

  • What things that bring me joy can I bring back into my life and my work?

  • What adjustments can I make to become more aligned?

  • What is currently draining me?

It's crazy how our life's purpose will whisper to us when we are getting out of alignment.

And I am so grateful that I am equipped now to discern these signs and rise out of the shit. The past few months have been filled with more transitions, life milestones, grief, and growth. And as the clouds begin to dissipate, I can see the light ahead of me and the alignment in purpose in such a BIG way.

I was put on this planet to help people uncover their gifts and encourage them to use them to build a business and life of significance. I do this through speaking, training and coaching and my amazing community of women-owned businesses, BOOST. I've got a few REALLY exciting projects brewing, and I recognize these projects and opportunities have come because I allowed myself to get up and OUT of the poop. I am grateful for the moments we are given to reflect on our purpose, get out of the muck and rise up to make a difference in this world.

So tell me, have you experienced a "car sob moment" like me? How are you feeling right now as it relates to alignment in your purpose? I always love hearing from you, so email me and let me know.