TIME's 100 Most Influential People
TIME just released its 2013 edition of the world's 100 most influential people...and there are some pretty amazing WOMEN in the list this year! (Check out the entire list here) In TIME's tenth year of producing this amazing edition, 35 women made the cut - all amazing and inspirational leaders among numerous fields, influencing people, organizations, corporations, and governments all around the world!
While each of their stories are amazing and powerful, I couldn't be more proud of Sheryl Sandberg making the list. She made the Titans list and she was recognized for her initiative "Lean In" to empower women to be mothers while they follow their career dreams.
Crazy enough, 40% of the women on the list are mothers. So cool, right?!? Girls, we are kicking butt and taking names!
Great coincidence as well that Beyonce, who sings "Who Rules the World (Girls)" is also on the list this year!